Valley Harvest Church understands the Kingdom mandate that was given to Adam and Eve in the garden. God is the creator of order and of government. Our role as his servants is to affect the culture around us and we understand that to mean everything we do including the governing of our region and nation.
The Generations
Valley Harvest Church is passionate about linking the generations together. Each generation plays a role in the Church. Discipleship is simply equipping the younger generations with the wisdom of the older generations. We do this with a hands on approach. Younger generations bring a vitality to older generations. We understand that they are culture changers.
We worship our heavenly Father and his anointed King Jesus. Our worship is loud and expressive. We give thanks for who He is and what our Lord Jesus does in our lives. We let it ring out through the Valley declaring He is the reining King, Lord of All, the Mighty One, the One who saves.

Missions outreach is an integral part of Valley Harvest Church. Each spring we hold a mission conference to update and renew faith promises for support of our missionaries. We support local, national and international endeavors.
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